59th Tutzing Symposion: Polymers for a better life and circularity (Online Event)

59th Tutzing Symposion: Polymers for a better life and circularity (Online Event)

Polymers have become an integral part of our everyday lives. Whether as high-performance plastics in aviation and the automotive industry, as functional and construction materials for electric devices, or in everyday objects such as packaging and clothing, polymers can be found everywhere in our modern world.

The 59th Tutzing Symposion is designed to foster exchange and discussion on the topics of public perception, sustainability, recycling as well as advantages and disadvantages of the use of plastics. The focus themes are complemented by ethical views and a look at other materials and their recycling strategies as well as open discussions on the issues and sustainable concepts for the future.

Editorial deadline for the list of participants is 30 September 2021.

Further information can be found on the event's website.



25 - 27 October 2021
25. - 27. Oktober 2021
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