
Dr. Maria Daskalakis
University of Kassel, Department of Economics, Division of Economic Policy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship,
Environmental Policy Working Group
Nora-Platiel-Str. 4
34109 Kassel
Phone: +49 561 804-3052
The project aimed to make a significant, transdisciplinary contribution to applied research on the prevention of plastic discharges into water bodies via drainage systems from a behavioural and environmental economics perspective. In four model municipalities, the project recorded the quantity and type of plastics discharged into the drainage systems via wastewater and precipitation water collection in municipal wastewater treatment plants and precipitation drains within one year. The data obtained was then extrapolated for Germany by means of material flow analysis. With regard to regulatory deficits, instruments to reduce plastic inputs were developed in an interplay of legal and behavioural economics analyses. Selected instruments were tested in field experiments in companies and households. On this basis, the project partners developed policy briefs that inform policymakers, practitioners and associations about ways to measure and reduce plastic inputs into the environment.
Main areas of work
- Analysis of legal framework conditions
- Empirical investigations of plastic discharges into the drainage systems of four model municipalities
- Model-based visualisation of the material flows from the considered input sources, namely households, transport routes and companies of the plastics industry in the model municipalities
- Development of behaviour-based measures to motivate behavioural changes
- Computer simulations of the effects of behaviour-based measures
- Evaluation of the effect of measures by means of field experiments
WP 1: Inventory of the entry points of plastics into the drainage systems
Contact person
Dr. Marco Breitbarth, Research Institute for Water and Waste Management at RWTH Aachen (FIW), Kackertstraße 15 – 17, 52056 Aachen, e-mail:
Project partners
City of Aachen, City of Stolberg, Simmerath Municipality, Roetgen Municipality, University of Kassel, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Short description
The aim of this work package was to determine the status quo of plastic discharges into the drainage systems in the four selected model municipalities, which represent different settlement structures. For this purpose, the type and quantity of plastic products as well as their sources from households, industry, traffic and other activities related to wastewater collection and drainage of paved areas were determined.
WP 2: Development of a concept for multi-criteria, behavior-oriented set of instruments
Contact persons
Prof. Dr. Anja Hentschel, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Department of Social Sciences, Professorship for Environmental and Energy Law, Haardtring 100, 64295 Darmstadt, e-mail:
Dr. Maria Daskalakis, University of Kassel, Department of Economics, Division of Economic Policy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Environmental Policy Working Group, Nora-Platiel-Str. 4, 34109 Kassel, e-mail:
Project partners
Prof. Dr. Frank Beckenbach, FIW
Short description
Starting from a behavioural economics analysis of relevant behavioural effects regarding the use of plastics in households and companies and possible approaches to motivate changes in their use as well as an investigation and deficit analysis of the existing legal framework at national and European level, behavioural measures and instruments were identified. Their effects with regard to ecological, social, technical, legal and economic feasibility were assessed. The result was a preliminary set of instruments, which were used as a basis for all further investigations and were adapted if necessary.
WP 3: Empirical analyses of success factors and barriers
Contact persons
Dr. Maria Daskalakis, University of Kassel, Department of Economics, Division of Economic Policy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Environmental Policy Working Group, Nora-Platiel-Str. 4, 34109 Kassel, e-mail:
Dr. David Hofmann, University of Kassel, Department of Economics, Division of Economic Policy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Environmental Policy Working Group, Nora-Platiel-Str. 4, 34109 Kassel, e-mail:
Project partners
City of Aachen, City of Stolberg, Simmerath Municipality, Roetgen Municipality, Prof. Dr. Frank Beckenbach, FIW, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Short description
The empirical determination of the success factors and barriers of instruments for the reduction of plastic inputs via the drainage systems was based on the concept of multi-criteria behaviour-oriented instrumentation. The focus of the investigations were the actor groups households and companies. The investigations were preceded by expert discussions. A methodological triangulation was used: semi-structured, guideline-supported in-depth interviews were carried out as well as, in the case of households, a telephone survey and, in the case of households and companies, a field experiment.
WP 4: Material flow models of plastic inputs into canalisation systems and wastewater treatment plants
Contact person
Dr. Marco Breitbarth, Research Institute for Water and Waste Management at RWTH Aachen (FIW), Kackertstraße 15 – 17, 52056 Aachen, e-mail:
Project partners
University of Kassel, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Short description
Material flow models for plastic discharges of macro- and microplastics from the identified sources into the drainage systems were developed for the four model communities. Based on the model results, the sources and product types were analysed and evaluated with regard to their relevance for the plastic inputs. The data from the municipalities was then extrapolated to the federal level in a general model.
WP 5: Actor-based computer model and simulations for the development of material flows
Contact persons
Dr. Maria Daskalakis, University of Kassel, Department of Economics, Division of Economic Policy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Environmental Policy Working Group, Nora-Platiel-Str. 4, 34109 Kassel, e-mail:
Dr. David Hofmann, University of Kassel, Department of Economics, Division of Economic Policy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Environmental Policy Working Group, Nora-Platiel-Str. 4, 34109 Kassel, e-mail:
Project partners
Prof. Dr. Frank Beckenbach, FIW, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Short description
In this work package the design and development of multi-agent systems was carried out, which cover the actor groups households and companies. Based on the actor concept of WP 2, the multi-agent systems map actor-related decision-making processes and determinants of plastics use were linked to the material flow models from WP 4 in a subsequent step. Different legal and behavioural instruments and their material-ecological and economic implications were analysed and evaluated on the basis of different scenarios.
WP 6: Finalisation of the concept of multi-criteria, behaviour-oriented set of instruments
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Anja Hentschel, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Department of Social Sciences, Professorship for Environmental and Energy Law, Haardtring 100, 64295 Darmstadt, e-mail:
Project partners
Prof. Dr. Frank Beckenbach, University of Kassel, FIW
Short description
In parallel to work packages 3 to 5, the concept of multi-criteria behaviour-oriented set of instruments were further specified by including the results of empirical studies and the multi-agent system. For the identified instruments and measures, it was estimated how they could work in practice, what control and enforcement effort they might create for authorities, whether they could be combined in certain areas, and what medium- and long-term effects the regulations could have. The adjustments to the concept were tracked and evaluated through computer simulations.
WP 7: Developing proposals for implementation
Contact persons
Dr. Maria Daskalakis, University of Kassel, Department of Economics, Division of Economic Policy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Environmental Policy Working Group, Nora-Platiel-Str. 4, 34109 Kassel, e-mail:
Dr. David Hofmann, University of Kassel, Department of Economics, Division of Economic Policy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Environmental Policy Working Group, Nora-Platiel-Str. 4, 34109 Kassel, e-mail:
Prof. Dr. Anja Hentschel, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Department of Social Sciences, Professorship for Environmental and Energy Law, Haardtring 100, 64295 Darmstadt, e-mail:
Dr. Marco Breitbarth, Research Institute for Water and Waste Management at RWTH Aachen (FIW), Kackertstraße 15 – 17, 52056 Aachen, e-mail:
Project partner
Prof. Dr. Frank Beckenbach
Short description
The project results were prepared for political and practical implementation. For this purpose, recommendations for action were summarised in the form of policy briefs, which are intended to offer support to various actors for the implementation of the developed instrument packages. The project addressed the federal, state and local levels (legislators and authorities), consumer associations and NGOs as well as companies and associations of the plastics industry in order to facilitate the effective implementation of the measures.