Fact sheet 12.1: Microplastics from textiles

Mussel from the Baltic Sea; entangled with microplastics.

Fact sheet 12.1: Microplastics from textiles

What causes it and how it can be avoided

Microplastics in the environment are a much discussed topic. Our clothing also contributes significantly to this problem, as it is estimated that about 20 to 35 percent of the total microplastic input is due to fibre abrasion from textiles. During every washing process, tiny particles are released from synthetic clothing, which can enter the environment via wastewater.

The project "TextileMission" aims to reduce the input of microplastics into the environment caused by the household washing of synthetic sports and outdoor clothing. An interdisciplinary approach is being pursued, which includes the analysis of microplastic emissions in washing tests, the development of sustainable textiles and the optimisation of wastewater treatment.

The fact sheet is available for download here.

Type of Result

Kraas, Caroline; Kolberg, Alexander; (2021): Microplastics from textiles. What causes it and how it can be avoided. Factsheet 12.1 of the BMBF Research Focus Plastics in the Environment.

Joint project
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