Factsheet 8: Biodegradability of bioplastics - Correct disposal depends on a number of factors

“Bioplastics” is a collective term that includes both bio-based plastics and biodegradable plastics, as well as those plastics to which both properties apply. ©Depiction based on Endres

Factsheet 8: Biodegradability of bioplastics - Correct disposal depends on a number of factors

Unlike conventional plastics, many bioplastics are biodegradable. This means that there are microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi that can absorb and metabolize these bioplastics as a source of energy.

However, contrary to what is often assumed, bioplastics do not immediately imply that materials are readily degradable in the environment. Some, for example, require very high temperatures to degrade. This means that bioplastics should not simply be disposed of in the environment either.

In Factsheet 8, the ENSURE project breaks down which factors influence the degradation of bioplastics and what the consequences are for consumers. It is available for download here.


Mark Kreutzbruck
Julia Resch
Type of Result

Kreutzbruck, Marc; Resch, Julia (2021): Biodegradability of bioplastics: Correct disposal depends on a number of factors. Fact sheet 8 of the BMBF research focus Plastics in the Environment.

Joint project
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