
Jürgen Bertling
Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology UMSICHT,
Products Division, Department of Sustainability and Resource Management,
Osterfelder Straße 3
46047 Oberhausen
Phone: +49 208/8598-1168
In order to legitimise political decisions on the problem of plastic emissions into the environment, it is necessary to formulate a quantitative emission target. The budget approach for plastic emissions was developed within the framework of this project. The research work was guided by the following questions: What amount of plastics in the environment is still acceptable? How long are plastics present in the environment until they are completely degraded? How can a global budget derived from answering these two questions be equitably shared by national per capita budgets? The aim of the project was not to establish a budget itself, but to show ways of deriving it from empirically verified data and normative values. This creates a basis for future political decision-making processes. However, consistent governance also requires that the plastic emissions of various products, processes and consumption practices are accounted for in terms of quantity released and downstream environmental impacts. The second part of the project consisted of developing an impact assessment methodology in order to adequately take plastic emissions into account in life cycle analyses.
Main areas of work
- Sources and sinks, history and dynamics of the plastic inputs into the environment
- Use of various participation formats to discuss the issue of plastic emissions with stakeholders
- Development of a budget approach for plastic emissions
- Development of a method for the integration of plastic emissions in life cycle assessments
- Dissemination and anchoring of results in politics, society, economy and science
WP 1 Review and discussion on the state of knowledge on plastic inputs into the environment
Contact persons
Jürgen Bertling, Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Osterfelder Straße 3, 46047 Oberhausen, e-mail:
Dr. Steven Engler and Anna Bönisch, KWI, Goethestraße 31, 45128 Essen, e-mail:,
Short description
WP 1 focuses on the scientific, technical, ecological and economic as well as on the socio-cultural aspects. Furthermore, this work package develops the participation programmes in the project in detail.
WP 2 Development of a budget approach for plastic emissions
Contact persons
Jürgen Bertling, Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Osterfelder Straße 3, 46047 Oberhausen, e-mail:
Dr. Steven Engler and Anna Bönisch, KWI, Goethestraße 31, 45128 Essen, e-mail:,
Short description
WP 2 involves researching and developing a budget approach for plastic emissions as well as conducting a stakeholder dialogue on the approach. Moreover, this work package will utilise outreach dialogue with citizens and a living lab.
WP 3 Development of an impact assessment method for the integration of the plastic emissions in life cycle analysis
Contact person
Dr. Daniel Maga and Nils Thonemann, Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Osterfelder Straße 3, 46047 Oberhausen,,
Short description
WP 3 will focus on research and elaboration of existing impact assessment methods. Additional focus will be on understanding the relationship between impact assessment methodology and the budget approach. For these purposes, expert dialogues and workshops will be conducted.
WP 4 Dissemination and establishing budget approaches and impact assessments for plastic emissions in science, politics and society
Contact person
Miriam Wienhold, KWI, Goethestraße 31, 45128 Essen, e-mail:
Short description
WP 4 will involve selecting actors for the various dialogue formats and developing a socially robust communication strategy. Conferences and debates will be held with an overarching focus on public relations for this project.