Wege zum nachhaltigen Umgang mit Kunststoffen
The volume of plastics entering the environment is growing worldwide. Since existing regulations are not sufficient to curb the problem, the ever-increasing plastic production and use must be reduced. A systemic approach is needed that holds all actors responsible who produce, use, recycle, dispose and trade in plastic products and packaging.
A circular plastics economy - Current discussions, trends and political challenges
The article reflects on the 59th Tutzing Symposion entitled "Polymers for a better life and circular economy" that took place as an online event in October 2021.
Background Paper: Plastics Policy in Germany and the EU
Avoiding plastic packaging from entering the environment
Packaging volume and regulatory framework
This background paper was developed within the framework of the Innoredux joint research project and describes which materials shape the volume of packaging and packaging waste in Germany. Moreover, the paper outlines the most important German and European legal regulations relating to packaging in the context of the project.
The Transnational Governance of Plastics
Plastic Atlas 2019: Facts and figures about the world of synthetic polmers
Plastics have become an indispensable part of our everyday lives. Plastic products make a lot of things easier, but they also endanger our health and flood our planet with garbage. The Plastic Atlas offers data and facts about a world full of plastics. In 19 chapters, it sheds light on very different aspects of plastics, each of which is illustrated with infographics.