Methodology of analyses
This comparative test from cross-cutting topic 1 "Analytics and reference materials" classifies different analytical methods for the identification and quantification of microplastics regarding their informative value and to work out the strengths and limitations of the respective methods. The comparative test was intended to provide the pre-requisites for comparing the analytical results of the individual projects within a given framework.
Methods for the analysis of submicrometer- and nanoplastic particles in the environment
This paper by Schwaferts et al. addresses methodological gaps that exist in the analysis of microplastics. Specifically, it deals with the analysis of nanoparticles, as they are not covered by common analytical methods.
Portuguese web platform reports on the joint project EmiStop
Plastics have become an integral part of our everyday lives, and cause many environmental impacts. The pollution microplastics is increasingly in focus. First, these tiny particles were discovered in the oceans, then were found in lakes and rivers and eventually the soil.

Discussion Paper: Microplastics Analytics
One of the first cross-project results of the research focus has been published: The discussion paper "Microplastics Analytics" reflects the current state of research on physicochemical investigation methods within the research focus and is intended to contribute to a pool of methods that is as standardised as possible for the relevant application fields in science, industry and administration.
Workshop on Sampling, Sample Preparation and Analysis of Microplastics
Around 50 scientists from 12 collaborative projects of the research focus on plastics in the environment met for a first exchange on sampling, sample preparation and analysis of microplastics at the Water Technology Center (TZW) in Karlsruhe.