

Marker-Based Sorting and Recycling System for Plastic Packaging
July 2017
December 2020

The goal of this project was to set up a markerbased system for sorting and recycling that involves every stage from packaging development and sorting technology to high quality material reuse. The MaRek project demonstrated the usefulness of fluorescent markers for waste management applications.


Tracking of (Sub)Microplastics of Different Identities - Innovative Analysis Tools for Toxicological and Process-engineering Evaluation
September 2017
June 2021

The methods currently available for the analysis of microplastics in environmental matrices were primarily designed for particles in the size range of 1 μm to 5 mm. Smaller particles below 1 μm were hardly detected. However in contrast to larger particles, these are able to enter cells and have a higher potential for adsorption of pollutants due to their relatively larger surface.


Development of Budget Approach and LCA Impact Assessment Methodology for the Governance of Plastics in the Environment
November 2017
September 2021

In order to legitimise political decisions on the problem of plastic emissions into the environment, it is necessary to formulate a quantitative emission target. The budget approach for plastic emissions was developed within the framework of this project. The research work was guided by the following questions: What amount of plastics in the environment is still acceptable?

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