Factsheet 4: Tracer-Based Sorting with Fluorescent Tracers - Efficient and flexible sorting of plastic packaging
The German Packaging Act calls for a significant increase in recycling rates for plastics. In order to be able to produce high-quality recyclates, plastic articles must be separated by type. However, there is currently a lack of satisfactory identification options for the many different plastics.
Factsheet 2: Valuable waste plastic - Floating recycling plant recovers plastics before they enter the sea
In this factsheet, joint project KuWert shows how plastic recycling can be profitable. The research team developed a floating recycling platform, mobile and independent of local structures. The system was tested in coastal cities in West Africa, where a lot of plastic ends up in the sea.
Factsheet 1: Plastic Packaging - What are the possibilities for reducing waste when buying clothes?
The first factsheet of the research focus is dealing with the question of how consumers can save plastic when buying clothes. It is often difficult to know how much plastic is produced along the textile value chain, before a product arrives in the store.